How to Show/Use Adsense Hosted Account Ads on Custom Domain?

Since google asdense is main source of income for many bloggers, you also find many problems facing by these bloggers regarding non hosted accounts, hosted accounts, adsense application disapproved, adsense account banned and many more. I am not gonna discuss all these today here. I am here share how to use your google adsense hosted account on custom domain.

What is Adsense Hosted Account?

Google Adsense account can be obtain by many ways. You can get your adsense account approved via youtube, blogger, custom domain or other few options. Getting adsense account via your custom website ( not .blogspot site ) is known as “Non-Hosted Account”. You can get adsense account approved via youtube, blogger (.blogspot), Hugpage, Wiki and rest of sites which are listed under third party for google adsense. So you can apply with these third party sites and get your account approved. Account approved with third party sites are known as “Hosted Accounts”

Hosted Account Not Working On Custom Domain :

Hosted Account ads shown blank if you place them in custom domain sites.  Google want your accounts to be used in only .blogspot sites, youtube or other third party sites associated with Google Adsense. So, your adsense account might be approved through .blogspot and you now purchased a custom domain name for your .blogspot site. After setting up custom domain with blogger site, you might have noticed that adsense ads show blank space.  If this is your problem then I have solution for you.
You might be hosting your .blogspot site in blogger but the fact is google thinks your site ( purchased .com/.net/.in/ .org ) as not a third party site. Inorder to show your adsense ads on custom domain you need to have good knowledge regarding iframes.
I found a website of my friend who is using hosted adsense account ads on custom domain. I tried to figure it out but I think there is a trick to display hosted account ads on custom domains. After a little research in internet and asking him. He told he found a link from seoclerks, a service provider named “bloggerservice” is offering this for placing hosted account ads on custom domain.
The below is the screenshot of there service. I contacted them and order my service and believe me they added adsense ad on custom domain. That’s and excellent service from them. I recommend to don’t waste your time finding for a this adsense custom domain trick.
SEOClerk Link :
There service Image :
trick to use hosted adsense account ads on custom domain