Rise of Nations Game Maps By Kuranes and One_Dead_Angel
The maps here are screenshots of the minimap taken at the start of a game. Each map is from a 2v2 game - red and blue versus purple and green. The map size is Standard (4 player). Maps are generated randomly by the game, but these shots should give you a good idea of the general composition of each map.
African Watering Hole Category: Land map | |
All the rare resources lie around the lone watering hole at the center of the map. Happy hunting! |
Amazon Rain Forest Category: Land map | |
Plenty of resources and ruins hidden in a maze of tropical rivers and jungle clearings. |
Australian Outback Category: Land map | |
Harsh Desert or Lush Jungle--surrounded by ocean teeming with fish. |
Great Lakes Category: Land map | |
Fertile land map filled with large lakes useful for fishing, naval power, and infiltrating armies. |
Great Sahara Category: Land map | |
Desert land map. Only a few oases hold trees, but you'll find plenty of oil in the Industrial Age. |
Himalayas Category: Land map | |
Land map with lots of mountains and mountain passes in the center and forests around the edge. |
Old World Category: Land map | |
One huge continent with everyone on it. Rivers, forests, and mountains create tactical challenges. |
Southwest Mesa Category: Land map | |
Desert land map with lots of cliffs and mesas. Battle for the high ground! |
Mediterranean Category: Land map | |
Land surrounding a central ocean with a small island. |
Warring States Category: Sea map | |
One large continent with everyone, surrounded by an archipelago. Continent is long like Japan. |
Atlantic Sea Power Category: Sea map | |
Each nation gets its own landmass; Players are separated by a large ocean. |
British Isles Category: Sea map | |
Nations start on variably-sized islands which may or may not isolate them from their allies. When it's time to drill for Oil, you'll need to build offshore platforms. |
Colonial Powers Category: Sea map | |
Two large continents with all the players on one! Note: in Team Diplomacy games all the neutral computer players go on the other continent. |
East Indies Category: Sea map | |
Lots of islands; lots of resources. Bring your navy. |
East Meets West Category: Sea map | |
Each team shares its own large continent. |
New World Category: Sea map | |
Each nation gets a cramped island and must exploit the rich mainland. |
Nile Delta Category: Sea map | |