Invalid Traffic – AdSense for Content debited $$ from Finalized Earnings

Invalid Traffic – AdSense for Content” is regularly seen in many adsense accounts these days. Adsense debits money from finalized earnings. So invalid traffic for adsense content is registered and charges a debit which is sad news for adsense users. When Isaw my most recent payments page in adsense dashboard, I noticed a debit of $ 0.11 from my finalized earnings. Later I thought to go with facebook friends also noticed, one of my friend lost $55 from his finalized earnings.
invalid traffic for adsense
It is clear that adsense now considers invalid traffic as a one of the major problem and may rest in account disable. The term “invalid traffic” in adsense content is still a doubt to many bloggers. Here invalid traffic indicates, adsense registered a paid traffic source or hits from a traffic bot or any other.
Many of friends do complaining recently about this invalid traffic deduction in adsense earnings. They almost lost more than $55 from one friend and the other $86 and it continues. The only reason I could feel about this doing blackhat tricks on their personal adsense enabled blogs. This results in invalid traffic notification. I am still wondered, how does adsense trace it even many of friends and I don’t use any kind blackhat tricks.
If you get these better you should take care of your adsense account and keep on tracing the traffic hits from where they come and understand the problem well. So let me know if you have faced any problems like this for invalid traffic. Hope you use a comment box below.